We expect to be able to share a full programme for the conference by May.

For now, we want to say that we are excited about working together across our three locations in Dodoma, Lima and Lund to create a conference that offers the best of both in-person and virtual conferencing.

Below you’ll find links to short descriptions of our plenary sessions that are shared between the three locations, as well as a preliminary program. Blue and green indicate times when we’ll all be online and in dialogue across the three locations.

Day 1 : June 10

10/6/24 8:00 am
7:30 pm

Itinerary of the day


Venue: PUCP Law School

8:00 - 9:45 am: Registration and coffee break

Openning Plenary session

Venue: José Dammert Bellido Amphitheater - PUCP Law School

9:45 - 11:15 am: Hacia Futuros Plurales y Justos


Venue: PUCP Law School

11:15 - 11:30 am:  Fruits available

Parallel Plenary 1

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building) and classrooms D of the Law School

11:30 - 13:00 pm:

  • Naturalezas: Pluralismo y Perspectivas Decoloniales (Classroom N202)
  • Beyond Certification: Can Public-Private Governance Drive Meaningful Systemic Change? (Classroom D101)
  • Environmental Justice (Classroom D208)
  • Poder-ambiente-economía. Sustratos epistémico-políticos  del dominio de la naturaleza desde la modernidad hasta la  posmodernidad (Classroom N201)
  • Miradas legales, políticas e históricas sobre los Gobiernos Territoriales Autónomos en la amazonia peruana (Classroom N304)

Lunch break

13:00 - 14:30 pm: Recommended places inside and outside campus


Parallel Plenary 2

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building) and classrooms D of the Law School

14:30 - 16:00 pm:

    • Nuevas Dinámicas Sobre la Tierra (Classroom N202)
    • Acceso a la Tierra y Seguridad Hídrica (Classroom D101) 
    • Nuevas Miradas al Extractivismo Minero en el Perú I (Classroom D103)
    • Assessing "Sustainability" in Tropical Forests: Carbon markets PES and Bioeconomy (Classroom N304)
    • ¿Reparaciones y remediaciones? El caso Cuninico (Classroom N201)

Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:30 pm: Meetings, conversations and coffee

Parallel Plenary 3

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building) and classrooms D of the Law School

16:30 - 18:00 pm:

  • Conservation, Knowledge, and Power Dynamics (Classroom N304)
  • Nuevas Miradas al Extractivismo Minero en el Perú II (Classroom N201)
  • Más de 20 años construyendo Ecología Política Latinoamericana: Una mirada desde el Grupo de Trabajo de Ecologías Políticas de CLACSO (Classroom D101)
  • Reconstituyendo las naciones indígenas: Recuperar el pasado con estructuras que permitan pensar un futuro común (Classroom D208)


Recepción de Bienvenida - Restaurante Cordial, Barranco

Av. Almte. Miguel Grau 810, Barranco 15063, Perú 


Day 2 : June 11

11/6/24 8:00 am
6:00 pm

Itinerary of the day

Parallel Plenary 4

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building)

8:00 - 9:30 am:

  • Diverse Ways of Knowing the Climate: Towards Epistemic Climate Justice I  (Virtual)
  • The Lives, Afterlives, and Resurgence of Nature-Based Solutions (Classroom N502)
  • Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Political Ecology I (Classroom N211)
  • Infrastructure Sabotage as Future-Making I (Classroom N103)
  • Questioning the Ecological and Justice Outcomes of NbS I (Classroom N101)

Coffee break

Venue: PUCP Law School

9:30 - 9:45 am:

  • Meetings, conversations and coffee
  • Introducción a la intervención Artística: Reimaginando vínculos a través del Arte a cargo de Alfredo Ledesma


Venue: José Dammert Bellido Amphitheater - PUCP Law School

9:45 - 11:15 am: Voces fundamentales desde las comunidades

Coffee break

Venue: PUCP Law School

11:15 - 11:30 am: Fruits available

Parallel Plenary 5

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building) and classrooms D of the Law School

11:30 - 13:00 pm:

  • Resistencias y fronteras extractivas (Classroom D208)
  • Tensiones Entre Infraestructura y Conservación (Classroom N304)
  • Perspectiva de las mujeres indígenas frente a la política climática (Classroom N211)
  • El Avance de la Frontera Agropecuaria en la Amazonía Peruana. Determinantes y dinámicas asociadas (Dammert Amphitheater)

Lunch break

13:00 - 14:30 pm: Recommended places inside and outside campus


Parallel Plenary 6

14:30 - 16:00 pm:

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building) and classrooms D of the Law School

  • Propuestas Hacia una Gestión Sostenible de la AmazoníaPeruana II (Dammert Amphitheater)
  • Tecnología, Infraestructura, Desigualdades y exclusión (Classroom D204)
  • Justicia y Poder en la Transición Energética (Audiencia 2)
  • Expectativas del periodismo ambiental en América Latina (Classroom D208)

Coffee break

Venue: PUCP Law School

16:00 - 16:30 pm: Meetings, conversations and coffee

Parallel Plenary 7

16:30 - 18:00 pm:

Venue: Classrooms N (Mac Gregor PUCP Building) and classrooms D of the Law School

  • Clínicas Jurídicas Ambientales y Justicia Climática (Classroom N304)
  • Pensamiento Jurídico, Soberanía Indígena y Visiones Sobre la Naturaleza (Classroom N211)
  • Saberes para la transformación territorial y paisajística: Un diálogo entre las ciencias indígenas y occidentales (Audiencia 2)

Day 3 : June 12

12/6/24 8:00 am
6:00 pm

Intinerary of the day

Parallel Plenary 8

Venue: Classrooms D of the Law School

8:00 - 9:30 am:

  • Diverse Ways of Knowing the Climate: Towards Epistemic Climate Justice (Classroom D204)
  • Decolonizing the Normative Foundations of Political Ecology II (Classroom D208)
  • Questioning the Ecological and Justice Outcomes of NbS II (Classroom D101) 
  • Infrastructure Sabotage as Future-Making II (Virtual)

Coffee break

Venue: PUCP Law School

9:30 - 9:45 am: Fruits available

Closure Plenary

Venue: José Dammert Bellido Amphitheater - PUCP Law School

9:45 - 11:15 am: Just and plural political ecologies: traditions and futures


Venue: PUCP Law School

11:15 -11:30 am: Fruit available

Parallel Plenary 9

Venue: Classrooms D of the Law School

11:30 - 13:00 am:

  • Geografías Pluralistas y Feministas (Classroom D208)
  • Las memorias del agua en dos cuencas habitadas de Loreto (Classroom D204)
  • Performatividades decoloniales- La producción simbólica como derecho (Audiencia 2)

Lunch break

13:00 - 14:30 pm: Recommended places inside and outside campus


Parallel Plenary 10

Venue: Classrooms D of the Law School

  • Decolonizing the normative foundations of political ecology III (Classroom D208)
  • Agua de relave: Recursos hídricos en Lima en un contexto de extractivismo y cambio climático (Classroom D204)

Event closure

Venue: PUCP Law School

16:00 - 18:00 pm:

  • Encuentro de cierre y Performance a cargo del Laboratorio de Teatralidades Latinoamericanas: Fiesta y Guerra de la PUCP

PUCP campus map